Monday, 26 November 2007

Using Xalan with XMLSpy

So simple it's painful ;)

1 - Download xalan.jar
2 - set your CLASSPATH to include xalan.jar
3 - Select tools->options->XSL in XmlSpy
4 - check 'External xsl transformation program'
5 - enter the line: java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in %1 -xsl %3 -out %2



Anonymous said...

1 - Download xalan.jar
2 - set your CLASSPATH (on SYSTEM PROPERTY - advanced, environment variables, choose CLASSPATH edit, and then you put path to your xalan.jar file i.e C:\xalan-j_2_7_1\xalan.jar )to include xalan.jar
3 - Select tools->options->XSL in XmlSpy
4 - check 'External xsl transformation program'
5 - enter the line: java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in %1 -xsl %3 -out %2
i hope this is a better explenation

ChristopherE said...

Actually, it's easier to put the classpath in the command line, e.g. for item 5 'java -classpath xalan.jar -in %1 -xsl %3 -out %2' so you don't have to modify the environment for your whole machine just to run xalan in XmlSpy.